• Building capacities for collective climate action

    Ideate| Innovate| Implement
About Us

Green Skills Solutions is a platform dedicated to ushering in a low-carbon future and accelerating mass awareness of environmental challenges through education, collaborative research, and advisory services.

We specialize in steering environmental education, and capacity building workshops in schools, colleges, and various educational institutes to foster behavioral change and promote sustainable lifestyles.

Green Skills Solutions functions to implement innovative ideas, helping to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and combat climate change.

Our Team

Green Skills Solutions comprises a team of experts working in various fields of environment. Our team strongly believes in collective action towards sustainable development.

Green Skills Solutions specializes in providing environmental education, awareness and capacity building programs in schools, colleges, and various education institutes.
We organize and build capacities in varied environmental themes, for example, E-waste drives, Plastic Pollution, Conserving the planet and various others.
We have a diverse portfolio providing consultancy services in various fields including environment health, renewable energy, geospatial services and waste management.
We provide advisory services for implementing SDGs with different partner organizations at local levels.
News Room
5 Super Ambitious Climate Change Projects That India Could Use
Pollution in India Could Reshape Monsoons
What 2019 Budget Can Do To Help India Clean Its Air And Reduce Its Coal Addiction
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