Vision & Mission


Green Skills Solutions is a platform dedicated to ushering in a low-carbon future and accelerating mass awareness of environmental challenges through education, collaborative research, and advisory services.

We specialize in steering environmental education, and capacity building workshops in schools, colleges, and various educational institutes to foster behavioral change and promote sustainable lifestyles.

Green Skills Solutions functions to implement innovative ideas, helping to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and combat climate change.


Our aim is to work with small institutions with a bottom-up approach, resulting in the conversion of the current climate change efforts into a mass movement in protection of the environment. We also work at the ground levels to bring local level changes and ensure the bottom up approach for development. To execute and accomplish such efforts, we also provide advisory services in CSR activities in the fields of environment and energy access.


The mission of Green Skills Solutions is to drive people to collectively work towards addressing climate change challenges, with the long term objective of driving reforms through informed public opinion and citizenry participation. We do this by partnering with expert organizations working across different sectors of environment such as energy, climate change, global warming and others. Our experts act as a guiding light to help us drive the development focused narrative.